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Periodontitis is a group of diseases that have in common the destruction of the tooth support system. They manifest with a oss of attack and bone, formation of pockets and recession of the gingiva.
They are always preceded by gingivitis and, therefore, if the latter is prevented, it is possible to prevent the far more serious periodontitis.
The characteristic sign of periodontitis is the formation of the periodontal pocket associated with dental mobility.

World data

Severe periodontal disease is widespread, with a global prevalence of about 19% in people aged greater than 15 years, representing more than 1 billion cases worldwide 1.

1 Global oral health status report: towards universal health coverage for oral health by 2030.
World health Organization Nov 2022
Non-surgical therapy is considered the gold standard for the initial treatment of inflammatory periodontal disease.

The therapeutic approach

The use of minimally-invasive techniques in restorative dentistry is now recognized as of increasing importance, and is often in the better interests of patients.

In the light of the latest scientific evidence he Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SIdP) with the aim of guiding the dentist, has drawn up guidelines in the treatment of periodontitis in its various stages of disease, in four main steps.

Step by step instructions for perio treatments

First step

Remove plaque and tartar on the supragingival sites and fensure that the patient is present at the controls with little or no plaque on the teeth.

Second step

Subgingival instrumentation with curettes and ultrasound.
Wait from 8 to 12 weeks: the goal is to obtain maximum 4 mm deep gum pockets and no bleeding.
If this goal is not achieved, the next step is taken.

Third step

Repeat the non-surgical instrumentation or evaluate the use of additional non-surgical therapies, (local antibiotics and probiotics). For serious defects surgery is necessary or the closure of the pocket and the return to a state of health of the tissues.

Fourth step

Maintenance of the control of gingival inflammation, thanks to supportive periodontal therapy.

Non-surgical therapy is considered the gold standard for the initial treatment of inflammatory periodontal disease. Ubigel, used for initial antinfective and periodontal support therapy creates a protective layer on the surface of the treatment area; also restores the physiological levels of the membrane of the oral mucosa and promotes tissue regeneration by virtue of he spermidin contained in it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question? We have an answer.

Where can I buy Ubigel?

Ubigel Inperio® is available at your trusted dealer or by contacting Pierrel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ubigel Inperio is a medical device?

Yes; Ubigel is a Class 2A Medical Device

I can use ubigel on the bleeding gum?

Ubigel can be applied in bleeding gum sites after tamponade of the bleeding point.

Can treatment with Ubigel be repeated at the same gum sites?

Ubigel can be applied at the same gum sites up to 3 times, at a distance of a week from one application and the other, depending on the severity of the pathology.

What should you do at the first treatment with Ubigel?

Perform appropriate procedures of detartrasi and curettage of the periodontal pocket.

What should I do with Ubigel?

Remove residues from the previous application of Ubigel without repeating the gingival cleaning.

Can the patient perform oral hygiene at home after applying Ubigel?

The patient must avoid oral hygiene for a few hours after treatment with UBIGEL Inperio, then he can resume cleaning his teeth with toothpaste and toothbrush.

Can the patient follow normal feeding after applying Ubigel?

After the application of Ubigel there are no food contraindications but it should be recommended to the patient to avoid chewing hard foods that can cause trauma to the gingiva.